Sunday, July 19, 2009

Inu's Wed + Myst Family Tree

Hihi! Inu here! I hope Takie doesnt mind me still using his blog, but its still listed in league bulliten.  ;)


Yes thats right, finally divorced Wilhelm, woot! XD Now im married to my boiboi<3

Next up, the family treeeeeee everyones been waiting for, lol. Thank Slaflame and Takie for it, im just the uploader; Slaflame made it, and its Takie's blog, so..i'm just like the middle-woman here lol, so DONT THANK ME FOR IT! :)

PS: Sry about the order of the pics, Opera browser wont let me move them..or if I can i dont know how >.<'..

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kitten Project - Update 2

While some of you may have already known from me announcing it in league chat, i'm stopping most of the kitten project due to the fact that only one kitten seems to be alive.

*big moment of silence for the 3 deceased kittens*..............................................

I do have some pics, so im just going to put them up, and slowly follow the progress of the only remaining kitten. There are more kittens next door. How many? Not sure. They have a different mom, so I believe that those kittens and the last kitten in the kitten project might be cousins or something - i've seen the mom's grow up together, and they look alike, so i'm guessing they're sisters.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Kitten Project - Update

The mother (or mum for takie, hee hee) moved her kittens out of our backyard a while ago. We sometimes see them, but can't get any pictures cause they're so shy. Yes, they can walk now.

I regret to inform you that one of the kittens didn't make it. Which one i'm not sure (my mom told me it didnt), but please have a moment of silence for the poor kitten..


I hope to come back with better news.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Random happenings of April

G'day.. some more things from my screenshot folder.. just foolinz around really. :)

Here's Alston, Curious and I on choo-choo twains..

Here are some of us fooling around in terra^^


Sonnenschein and I often enjoy having small love affairs, here we are passionately sitting together in PVP area..

Back before I was a spazmoid and deleted Tonka, ne0c0rtex and I had matching pets! woooooh!! .. welp, since I delete him, HealthCare got another one like this so now ne0c0rtex and HealthCare have matching pets:D

The first time I saw Shark shapeshift!

Curious and I went to visit thetank in the desert.. xD

Ohh, ohh, some sexy woman named Vehuiah was expressing her love for the ever-wonderful ne0c0rtex..!

Here is the lovely Inutag saying naughty words:P

ne0c0rtex reaches level 60!! OH YEAAA!!

The Totem War we broke DG xD
When I was in --Drakness-- for about two weeks, when the war commenced, bcuz nobody was really active in Rena we had a chance to destroy their totem. It was very exhiliarating, I must say.

And a screenshot.. of a dead Veektorrea. I honestly honestly did not think this one could die.. xD

Now here is something you don't see often.. a random act of kindness from your leader Murtagh!

I can't believe my luck sometimes..but goddamn did I pay through the nose on these rotten bags<3>

I have proof that Murtagh is bi-curious!!!! I found him kissing a boy!!!

Cake-head lovers ^_^

The noob vault
Lols, I found this old ones of me when I was a nublet!! xD I used to love that Gerbil. :D

Yes.. that's all I have to share.. don't forget you are welcome to share any screenshots you find hip or happening, just send them to me at my e-mail address, or self-pictures that I can add to the side-bar, much appreicated.

And a bloggy blog welcome to our newer members who haven't sent me pics yet xDD
  • GuttaBred
  • Denizen
  • Llaharl
  • Swordest2
  • HealthCare
  • ramon
  • Odysseus


Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Kitten Project - 1

Inuoko here, bringing you the Kitten Project. It has nothing to do with AO,'s cute so :P...What is the Kitten Project?..

On my back porch, a mama cat had a litter in a box we sat outside for street cats to sleep in. Yes, we now refer to the box as a "litter box" XD. Anywhoz, i'm taking over Takie's blog with cuteness X3<3. style="text-align: center;">Day 1 (4/17/09):

Later on that day, mama nursed her babies.

Day 2 (4/18/09):

Mama's eating breakfast while her babies are snuggled together, trying to keep warm.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Random happenings of March

I've been pretty lazy with posting Totem Wars simply because they aren't very eventful, I'm not terrorising other totems for fun anymore so there's little to report with regards to my PVP adventures.

I've just flipped through my screenshots folder and found some things worth sharing :)

Here was my first 100 KO's in one totem war.. probably my last.. I'm proud to say I didn't cheat it at all (zomg..) each KO was legit. Mostly because the protectors of Renaissance spent a lot of time at our totem, and also because I spent a bit of time at Thunder Ruins AOE'ing the LatinForce

Here is Alston's PENIS when he was a baby -
Grats Alston on your PENIS

Here I am sharin some lovin' with teh almighty Sorraya!!

DarknessMan and I stopped for a quickie (omg he looks good naked)

I caught Krissy on a brutally honest statement xDDD

This is probably the nicest item I have ever gotten from the daily lucky bags.. this one goes to you, Aces :-)

I MURDERED ENICHI!! WOO .. so very satisfying. Of course, he's not really my enemy anymore he started talking to me normally so *shrugs*.. nonetheless, satisfying to slaughter a guy who was #1 on my enemy list for so long.. LOOK!! LOOK AT HIS DEAD BODY!!! MWAHAHHA!

Murtagh and I went on an adventure.. a looooong adventure... unfortunately we didn't get any items to show for it, just a couple screenies =] lol, so, if you ever visit Lost Region in Atlantis -
DO NOT AOE rofl.. we learnt that the hard way. xD

DarknessMan and I stopped for yet another quickie..what can I say, I give good head! :)

Some totem war action @ Thunder Ruins.. about 100 people all targeting DarknessMan.. poor fella =D

Here is Sonnenschein and I, sharing a beautiful romantic ride kiss!

The luckiest night of my life:

And, the luckiest night of Alston's life:

I think I'm absolutely hilarious sometimes... here's a genuine BC xD